This series, moderated by McGuireWoods Technology & Business Department Co-Chair, Steve Gold discussed the planning and initiation of an outsourcing relationship, and the key elements necessary for an eventual disengagement.
Outsourcing: The Transition In – July 17
In the first part, McGuireWoods Outsourcing & Technology Transactions lawyer Mark Maier focused on tips for entering into an outsourcing arrangement, managing risks and anticipating problems inherent in a first time outsourcing, specifically:
- Risks and pitfalls of the engagement process
- Planning and preparing for an outsourcing
- Managing an RFP process
- Negotiation strategies and contracting tips
Outsourcing: The Transition Out – July 22
In the second part, McGuireWoods Outsourcing & Technology Transactions lawyers, Derek Roach and Brad Salmon focused on issues arising out of the process of disengaging with an existing outsourcing provider and tips to avoid potential problems, including:
- Risks and pitfalls of the disengagement process
- Managing disengagement risks as part of the contracting process
- Getting what is needed to re-source the outsourced function Leveraging lessons learned in the next outsourcing transaction
Advising businesses on outsourcings is just one of the areas supported by McGuireWoods’ Outsourcing & Technology Transactions practice group. This practice group is part of the firm’s integrated focus on business transactions driven by technology. For more information, e-mail [email protected].