9:30 – 11 a.m.

McGuireWoods is excited to kick off 2020 with our first independent sponsor networking meeting. Join us for breakfast with Sumit Agarwal, senior consultant in the M&A Group at Alliant Insurance Services, one of the leading insurance brokerages to private equity firms. Sumit will share market trends in reps and warranties insurance and how independent sponsors can take advantage of this product’s growing popularity in their transactions.
This group is open to solo independent sponsors and founders or partners of private equity firms that raise capital through the independent sponsor model. We welcome qualified newcomers to join us.
Our remaining 2020 meeting dates are Thursday, May 14, and Thursday, Sept. 17. We welcome your suggestions for future meeting topics and speakers.
This event is open to independent sponsors only. Please contact Laiza Goytia, Heather Fuentes or Abraham Koshy for registration information.