As the location of McGuireWoods’ original office, the firm treasures its Charlottesville roots and the area we’ve served for 190 years. Our lawyers now advise clients in more than 40 service areas and, thanks to the firm’s client-focused industry teams and technology investments, they enjoy national and international practices while living in one of the best places in the country.
Central Virginia is home to a significant number of high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, businesses, family offices, private equity funds and investment advisers. McGuireWoods has responded by providing capital markets, trusts and estates, and merger and acquisition services. Our Charlottesville lawyers have authored or co-authored seven books on estate planning and numerous articles in corporate and investment trade publications and they frequently speak at industry association conferences.
Our nationally recognized litigators handle high-stakes cases across sectors, including energy, commercial, fiduciary, products and consumer goods, transportation, and labor and employment. Among the Charlottesville trial lawyers are several who focus on products liability, with particular depth in automotive and food safety litigation. Co-leadership of several of the firm’s industry teams are centered in Charlottesville, including education and food safety.
Given the state’s rich natural resources, the Charlottesville office is a vital link to McGuireWoods’ presence in the traditional and alternative energy industry, and our lawyers are engaged in a number of high-stakes, high-profile litigation matters in the natural gas, coal, coal-bed methane gas, transmission, pipeline, cogeneration, alternative energy and utility sectors. Our business and litigation lawyers collaborate in many areas related to energy and climate change, supply chain and resource management, and sustainability.
Lawyers and staff are committed to McGuireWoods’ core value of service and demonstrate it through their involvement in more than 30 local civic, economic development and nonprofit organizations. Our long tradition of service to the University of Virginia includes roles with the Board of Visitors, Board of Managers, UVA Engineering Foundation, UVA Health Foundation, Alumni Association and Law Foundation, and other community and charitable boards and foundations. Our lawyers also are leaders in the local business community. We are fortunate to call Charlottesville home.
Jonathan T. Blank
William J. Culbertson
Counsel – Not admitted in Virginia, admitted in Ohio