On Wednesday, June 18, a group of Chicago associates (Holly Carnell, Jeannil Boji, Ying Hsu, Adrienne Walker Porter, George Spatz, Chuck Cavallo and Brad Salmon) and summer associates (Brian Harris, Joseph Hylak-Reinholtz and Bryan Bylica), participated in another group service project organized by the Chicago Associates Forum at the Greater Chicago Food Depository (GCFD).
From 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., this enthusiastic group of volunteers worked in a “clean room” at the GCFD repacking dry cereal for distribution to the GCFD’s member agencies. The GCFD is Cook County’s food bank, and it distributes more than 44 million pounds of food each year. The project involved taking large boxes of dry cereal and dividing, packaging and labeling the cereal into 8oz. packages. Through our group’s efforts with other volunteers at the GCFD, we were able to package over 114 cases totaling more that 1368 pounds of cereal that will find its way to people in need in the Chicago area.
This was the third project organized by the Chicago Associates Forum at the GCFD.