SEC Compliance and Disclosure Update

January 31, 2017

Complimentary Webinar Series

McGuireWoods’ SEC practice group provided an informative discussion of securities law developments, as well as guidance on compliance matters.

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Implications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Salman Ruling
Lindsay B. Schall, Associate
Lindsay provided an overview on insider trading in light of the high court’s recent Salman ruling.

The Trump Presidency’s Impact on Tax and Financial Services Policies
Russell W. Sullivan, Partner
Russ discussed potential federal policy changes in 2017 and the implications for the tax and financial services industry.

Securities Law Considerations Under the New Administration
Rakesh Gopalan, Partner
Rakesh Gopalan examined the potential risk factor and other disclosure updates that public companies are considering in light of the new presidential administration and impending legislative overhauls related to tax, healthcare and other areas.

Blockchain and Financial Technology
John Servidio, Partner; Bo Harvey, Associate
John and Bo summarized the SEC’s recent Fintech Forum and discuss how issuers can use blockchain for securities offerings.

Moderated by Anitra T. Cassas, Partner

For more information, contact Andrew Brennan at [email protected]