Brussels partner Matthew Hall has been nominated for the 2016 Antitrust Writing Awards for an article he wrote that was published in July 2015.
Matthew’s article, “Recent EU Court and ECHR Case Law on Dawn Raids,” was featured as a ‘”Hot Topic” in International Law, the publication of the American Bar Association, Section of International Law, International Antitrust Law Committee.
The article examines recent court judgments relating to antitrust/competition law dawn raids carried out in the EU by the European Commission and national competition authorities. The courts were reviewing appeals raised on various grounds by the raided parties against the decisions to carry out the raids.
Matthew’s article was selected from more than 600 articles reviewed by the editorial committee. The awards are jointly organized by Concurrences Review and George Washington University’s Competition Law Center.
The winners will be announced during a dinner in Washington, D.C., on April 5.